Well, my name is a number
A piece of plastic film
And I'm growin' funny flowers
In my little window sill
Dont you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
Well my wife still respects me
I really misused her
I am having an affair
With the random computer
Don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
Oh daddy, proud of your planet
Oh mummy, proud of your sun
Oh daddy, proud of your planet
Oh mummy. proud of your sun
Oh daddy, your brain's still flashin'
Like it did when you were young
Or do you come down crashin'
Seeing all the things you'd done
All was a big put on
Oh daddy, proud of your planet
Oh mummy. proud of your son
Oh daddy, proud of your planet
Oh mummy. proud of your sun
Oh daddy, proud of your planet
Oh mummy. proud of your sun
Oh daddy, proud of your planet
Oh mummy. proud of your sun
And you know who's the 2000 man
And your kids they just won't understand you at all
One of Jagger's niftier lyrics, IMHO, but of course this track is unedited and considerably longer than the finished version, so good luck matching the words if you're trying to sing along.
I should add that while the electric guitar riffage Keith provides on the opening is perfectly serviceable, I nonetheless miss the gorgeous acoustic picking he replaced it with on the album. On the other hand, even in the sort of sloppy and untogether shape this is in, it's still light years better than the late 70s cover by Kiss.