Apparently the late George C. Scott saw the trailer and, despite being dead, didn't care for it much...
...although we have high hopes. At the very least, we expect the food to be good.
In any case, and because things will doubtless be fairly quiet around here until our return on Monday, here's a hopefully amusing project to help you wile away the idle hours in the interim:
Favorite Obscure or Semi-Obscure Song by a Well-Known or Reasonably Well-Known Sixties Pop/Rock Band!!!
Self-explanatory, and no arbitrary rules whatsoever except -- No Beatles!
And my totally top of my head Top Five candidates are:
5. The Sopwith Camel -- Maybe in a Dream

The "Hello, Hello" band, and though you might not believe it, their album is a gem from stem to stern. This closing track is the dreaded classical-rock, a la Jim McGuinn quoting "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," in a solo, only stretched out to the length of a whole song. The musicianship is really quite extraordinary for a bunch of hippies, and the track has been a fave of mine for ages. Doesn't sound like anything else on the record, BTW.
4. The Easybeats -- Made My Bed: Gonna Lie In It
The b-side of "Friday on My Mind," and almost as epochal, in my humble opinion. Jeebus, this is good. I mean Stones-Who-Kinks good, with one of the great fade-outs of all time.
3. The Rolling Stones -- Miss Amanda Jones
There is, apparently, an entire generation that grew up thinking the Stones wrote this song for Lea Thompson's character in Some Kind of Wonderful. Heh. In any case, one of many overlooked gems from Between the Buttons, and why it hasn't been covered a zillion times is beyond me.
3. The Lovin' Spoonful -- Only Pretty What a Pity
Their late pop/psych masterpiece, and amazingly despairing and cynical for a band with a rep as purveyors of good time music -- "Everyone, except the baby, answers for the face they wear" is one of the most chilling lines in any 60s song I can think of. Incidentally, despite the album cover photo above, the late great Zal Yanovsky was still in the band when they recorded this; in fact, they did the song, with him, on Ed Sullivan, although the video doesn't seem to be on YouTube.
And the Numero Uno if-it's-so-good-why-isn't-it-famous track of all time clearly is....
1. Nazz -- Under the Ice
What we used to call hard rock, and it didn't get any harder. An early Todd Rundgren masterpiece, and drummer Thom Mooney - the band's secret weapon -- really deserves a Nobel Prize for nuclear physics. Or something -- perhaps I haven't given enough thought to the metaphor -- but in any case, he's quite astounding on the track.
Alrighty, then -- what would your choices be?