In any case, things are still probably going to be quiet around here for the duration of the weekend, so until Monday rolls around, here's a fun little project to help us wile away the idle hours:
Favorite or Least Favorite Pop-Rock Single or Album Cut of the Skinny Tie Band Era
No arbitrary rules, although we're obviously talking about the immediate post-First Generation Punk period, roughly from the late 70s to 1983 or '84.
And my totally top of my head Top Six is/are:
6. The Brains -- Money Changes Everything

The original indie single, not the remake on the Brains' album. I'm not a huge fan of Cyndi Lauper's more familiar version, but she knew a great song when she heard one. [h/t Sal Nunziato]
5. Tommy Tutone -- Angel Say No

Yes, these guys actually were Two Hit Wonders, and this is the one that doesn't have a phone mumber in the title. If truth be told, I've always preferred it.
4. Nick Lowe -- She Don't Love Nobody

A wonderful John Hiatt song (Chris Hillman's Desert Rose Band had a country hit with it, and deservedly) and probably my favorite Nick Lowe record that Nick didn't write himself.
3. Missing Persons -- Destination Unknown
Yes, I know the drummer played with Zappa and yes, Dale had a nice rack. The music, however, remains mannered pretentious crap and a cliche at birth. IMHO.
2. Gary U.S. Bonds -- Out of Work
One of the countless great pop tunes Bruce Springsteen gave away back in the day, and one of my long-time faves.
And the Numero Uno steaming pile of crap from those Fabulous Eighties simply has to be...
1. Quarterflash -- Harden My Heart
A thoroughly awful record, obviously, and sweet Jeebus, Rindy Ross has to be the lamest sax player in music history.
Alrighty, then -- what would your choices be?