No particular reason for posting this, except it came up on my iPod shuffle the other day and I wound up laughing out loud on the bus to Jersey. Got some odd looks, actually.
Incidentally, when this originally came out in 1979 it sounded a lot nastier and a lot more radical, at least to my ex-hippie ears. Now it barely even registers as a parody; in fact, it just seems like an imaginatively energetic cover version.
You know -- like rock 'n' roll.
UPDATE: I didn't know the Dickies had covered one of the founding texts of power pop -- The Left Banke's "Pretty Ballerina" -- in 1995.
And I certainly didn't expect it to be as good as it is. Seriously -- it's not on the same level of gorgeousness as the original, but as you can hear they play it straight and it rocks.
The things you can learn if you have a little time on your hands and a fast internet connection...