I will say that although the address seems to still exist, the establishment that used to be there is long gone. And said establishment once hosted a certain rock star who became world famous a year after he recorded a live album there.
The results of this little archaeological dig will be revealed next week, if all goes well.
In the meantime, because as usual things are going to be a tad quiet around here for a bit, please wile away the idle hours till our return by pondering the following little project:
LP-Era Rock Album Whose Cover Art Has Been Least Well Served by Reduction to CD Size!!!
And my totally top of my head Top Five are:
5. Led Zeppelin -- Physical Graffiti

It just doesn't work without the die-cut windows from the LP package.
4. The Rolling Stones -- Exile on Main Street

At LP size, this one looked really seedy and surreal. Reduced to a CD, it just looks seedy.
3. The Beatles -- Revolver

I think I need to have my eyes checked, because I can't make heads or tails out of this one anymore.
2. The Monkees -- Head

Seen on the LP racks in 1968, the silver foil packaging here was kind of interestingly trippy. As a CD, however, it looks like the cover of a Spinal Tap record.
And the Numero Uno reductio-ad-absurdum sleeve job of them all simply has to be....
1. Mark Levine -- Pilgrim's Progress

I discovered this extremely obscure little slice of vintage folk-psychedelia earlier this year, and I love it dearly, but jeebus -- that cover may have looked charmingly rustic on a 12 inch piece of cardboard, but on CD it just looks like some kid's scribbling.
Alrighty then -- what would YOUR choices be?