From 1996 and the
Stunt album, please ponder perhaps overly grinning Canadian power popsters
Barenaked Ladies and "It's All Been Done," their undeniably catchy ode to the truth best elucidated by the great
Nick Tosches.
To wit -- that the illusion of newness is pop culture's biggest sucker racket.

This is a really good record, I think, with a sunny Beatle-esque chorus melody, a tasty guitar solo, and a lyrical conceit -- including a truly memorable opening line ("I met you before the fall of Rome") -- that's beautifully fleshed out. Plus it, you know, rocks. But like just about everything else I've ever heard by these guys, there's something about it I find off-putting, and I've never been able to figure out exactly why.
Something about the band's aggressively everyday-ordinary-normal-guy shtick, I suspect.