From 1966 -- if not THE mixed to perfection stereo version of The Rolling Stones' "19th Nervous Breakdown," then at least a pretty good stereo version.

If truth be told, I've always kind of considered this the single most exciting song the Stones ever recorded, so it's been something of a thorn in my side for lo these many years that it's only ever been available in mono.
Okay, granted, there are more pressing issues in the world, but still...
POSTSCRIPT: In case anybody is wondering why I haven't posted a clue to tomorrow's Listomania yet...
Just didn't have time to get one together this week. Instead, I'm taking a break to work on the introduction/foreword/preface (or whatever it turns out to be) to a certain eagerly awaited literary endeavor by somebody else whose name is on the masthead here.
Listomania will return next week, however -- tanned, rested and ready as I'm wont to say. And I'll be posting the occasional odds and sods between now and Monday, time and weather permitting.