Quite the opposite, if truth be told. And rather than watch the all-day jingoism-and-denial porn that will be on my teebee non-stop, I'm off to a party where we're going to get stinking drunk and watch bad movies.
And speaking of bad (well, actually pretty good) movies, here's something I originally posted over at BOX OFFICE on a previous 9/11 anniversary. Just to put a little blame where blame is due.
[From a press briefing on May, 17 2002 by (then) National Security advisor Condoleeza Rice, about the events of 9/11.]I should also add that the pilot episode of The X-Files spin-off, The Lone Gunmen (originally broadcast in March of 2001) is even more prescient, i.e. terrorists slam a plane into the World Trade Center.
DR. RICE: "I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon; that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile."
Apparently, Dr. Rice doesn't go to the movies. Well, maybe she goes to the movies, but we certainly know she didn't go to see the very popular [worldwide gross: $121,969,216] 1996 thriller Executive Decision starring Kurt Russell and Halle Berry.
A movie in which some Middle-Eastern terrorists hijack a commercial airliner, load it with a huge bomb, and try to detonate it over Washington D.C.
A movie, we should add, that was made with the full cooperation of the Pentagon.
"I don't think anybody could have predicted..."
Oh, well. At least they killed Steven Seagal off in the first half an hour...
Again -- who could have predicted?
Have a nice day, everybody.