And speaking as we were yesterday of the most odious of The Beach Boys, and notwithstanding the ineluctable fact that Mike Love is a humongous dick, please enjoy a thoroughly charming outtake (in stereo!) from Beach Boys' Party!, the 1965 album where Brian Wilson essentially invented the Unplugged™ format two decades before MTV.
Lead vocal, declaimed with just the right air of on-the-nod nonchalance, by the aforementioned humongous dick. And a terrific job, I think, despite his humongous dickishness.
I refer, of course, to a very cool, albeit perhaps overly under-rehearsed, cover of Leiber and Stoller's immortal "Riot in Cell Block Number 9."

Hey, I can't help it, that one just cracks me up despite the presence of you-know-who. And don't worry -- I have no intention of trying to make some larger point about it.