In any case, I bring that up because I just made the mistake of downloading all five of John Sebastian's post-Spoonful Reprise albums over at Blank Frank's place. Because I vaguely remembered that there was a song on one of them that I had liked back in the day and that it was sort of power pop-ish as well.
Unfortunately, having now listened to the albums from stem to stern, I have no idea what that song might have been; either I dreamed it, or for whatever reason it's not there anymore. I should also add that -- with the exception of a decent remake of "Didn't Want to Have to Do It" and some sit-com theme whose title escapes me -- most of the stuff on all of those albums is (for me, anyway) now quite unlistenable on all sorts of levels.
That said -- this Spoonful song still just kills me, and I think it's most DEFINITELY proto-power pop. Or, at the very least, 1:55 seconds of sheer guitar-driven melodic bliss.

"There She Is," ladies and germs. God, what a great track.