Case in point: Persian Farfisa kings Moha Jamin and their Au Go-Go to the max "Raks Raks Raks"!

Man, that drummer's really expressing himself!
Anyway, as you can see, the song is the lead track from an actual comp of Iranian bands of the period I stumbled upon recently. And by the late 70s, the Khomeini regime was doing its best to make this sort of music (and the musicians that made it) disappear down the memory hole; in fact, the vaguely Monkees-ish noises Moha Jamin (those silhouettes on the cover are them, BTW) made are still not exactly kosher (heh) in their homeland. Although there's apparently a reasonably flourishing indie-rock scene in Tehran at the moment, at least if this movie I reviewed earlier in the year is to be believed.
Of course, if the current crowd of congressional Republicans gets their way we'll probably be bombing the swarthy little wogs back to the Stone Age before too long. So it's probably academic anyway.