I would pay money (well, Monopoly money) for you to have any reason whatsoever some time any time to post Willie Nile’s monumentally great "It’s All Over" from his first (1980) Arista disc, simply because it’s just plain the greatest thing ever and should have been a "Born to Run" caliber hit. "Vagabond Moon" is pretty damn good. But "It’s All Over" is monumental. It should get an award for sheer greatness. There should be a Nobel prize category for that kind of song.To which I can only say -- indeed.
Oh, and enjoy.

That song completely slays me, actually, and come to think of it, the whole of that album is an apotheosis of jangly folk-rock brilliance.
And while I've got your attention, by way of an encore, here's Willie and his fabulous band live in 1981 (just back from a European tour with The Who) with a fun cover of Ricky Nelson's "Stood Up." The rhythm section is Fred Smith and Jay Dee Daugherty (Television and the Patti Smith Group) BTW.