For those of you too young to remember, the Masked Marauders album was the very feeble pay-off to a joke/hoax review (the brainchild of critic Greil Marcus) that ran in Rolling Stone. Unsurprisingly, the credulous counter-culture audience believed the super-secret recording session featuring Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger, John Lennon et al (recorded in Hudson's Bay no less) Marcus raved about was for real, and the good capitalists at Warner/Reprise records rushed out this piece of crap to cash in.
I actually had the vinyl back in the day, and even knowing it was a joke I still found it mostly unlistenable, with the exception of the above mildly amusing Stones pastiche. Rhino did a deluxe limited CD reissue a few years ago; you can download the whole thing over here, but unless you're extremely perverse of ears, you really needn't bother.